Which groups are really worth my time?

Is a real brother- or sisterhood developed?

Around the fire
There are so many groups out there... which ones really aim for quality experiences, with real depth?
Which groups help you reveal yourself,
dive into the inner ocean of feelings,
and bring about a lasting transformation?
Women's group
Joining a women's group can transform your life,
sustain you in trying times, and can bring you deep friendships.
It can also teach you much about the divine feminine,
with all its qualities of nurturing, healing, authentic acceptance and growth.
Men's group
If you're a man, well... there are men's groups!
A perfect setting for transforming the distorted masculine
into an authentically-loving, authentically powerful paradigm.
(There usually isn't quite as much jumping around though ;-)
Meditating on altruism
When joining groups that support causes, where does the altruism come from?
Is it an overflowing of compassion?
Or is there an underlying need to be recognized?
Let's figure out what's what, so we can unleash our deepest power.

What we
work towards


Men’s and women’s groups

Meeting in council is a powerful way of removing masks, accessing emotions, and getting real with friends who have no other interest than to see you for who you are. Maintaining a longterm men’s group or women’s group takes leadership and commitment, but a solid container can really accelerate people’s inner growth and be a healing balm during trying times. With decades of experience, we know what it takes, and we’re here to make these groups grow and thrive for everyone, everywhere.

Finding groups

Finding worthwhile groups

There are untold millions of groups out there, focused on whatever the mind is currently captivated by, but few groups really take it beyond the mind to focus on people’s longterm wellbeing. Which groups really enable you to move beyond suffering, feeling any denied emotions and making lasting lifestyle changes, ultimately giving you greater inner peace and satisfaction? We’ll help you evaluate and spend your time in worthwhile ways.

Altruistic causes

Supporting causes

Joining groups in support of altruistic causes can feel really good, and can make a positive impact in the world. But depending on where it comes from, “doing good” can end up reinforcing an image of yourself that only serves to numb yourself further, to the point that this “positive impact” is really questionable. We help people discern what’s what, so that we can ultimately serve the world with heart and soul, knowing that our efforts are reaching their highest potential.

Groups Lovin Community

Join us on an adventure.

Communities with a purpose transforming the world.

We're lovin it. You will too.

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Well-structured, quality groups meeting regularly with a purpose – they’re actually rare, and become indispensable.